Fiber optic technical training manual

CFOT : Certified Fiber Optic Technician

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fiber optic techs have been certified by The FOA
through over 200 FOA-Approved training organizations worldwide!

Prerequisites: None, online course Fiber U Basic Fiber Optics recommended for all students to prepare for the classroom courses or direct exam

CFOT � - Certified Fiber Optic Technician - is the primary FOA certification for all fiber optics applications. CFOTs have appropriate knowledge, skills and abilities ( KSAs) in fiber optics that can be applied to almost any job - design, installation, operation - for almost any application - outside plant, premises, manufacturing, etc. FOA CFOT certification is based on an extensive knowledge of fiber optics technology and application as well as demonstrated skills in appropriate tasks. Most CFOTs work in the industry as contractors or installers. Consultants, network designers, estimators and trainers would also be expected to have such credentials. CFOTs are also involved with the manufacture of fiber optic components such as cables, patchcords, active devices and communications systems.

However, the CFOT certification has been structured as a general technology certification, not aligned to any specific job function. It is used by all installers, both outside plant and premises installers, two very different applications, plus component manufacturing technicians, network managers, network designers, etc. A well-prepared fiber optic technician will have a CFOT plus appropriate specialist certifications (CFOS) for the skills needed for the job (OSP, spicing, connectors, testing, design, etc.) and applications (FTTH, OLAN, Wireless, etc.)

The FOA also offers certification in premises cabling (CPCT,) which also includes copper wiring and wireless.

The FOA CFOT certification requires a test of the applicant's knowledge of fiber optics in a broad-based exam that covers technology, components, installation and testing and also requires verified skills and/or experience in fiber optics. We call these the KSA - knowledge, skills and abilities. KSAs for the CFOT certification.
(Certified Fiber Optic Technician) is a registered trademark.
How Does One Qualify for the FOA CFOT? FOA CFOT certification means the person with a CFOT has demonstrated extensive basic knowledge of fiber optics and demonstrated skills and abilities in processes used in the industry. These requirements are summarized as KSAs (knowledge, skills, abilities). Here are KSAs for the CFOT certification.

Knowledge is tested in the FOA CFOT exam taken by all applicants.

Skills can be demonstrated in hands-on lab exercises and verified by instructors giving an FOA-Approved course or for those already working in the industry, verified industry experience.

Abilities: Fiber optic techs need the ability to perform relevant tasks, evidenced by showing skills in hands-on tasks. There are two paths to CFOT certification: 1) training at an FOA-Approved school or 2) experience in the industry and other training or self-study, as preparation for taking the FOA CFOT exam through the FOA Direct Certification Program.
Anyone who attends a CFOT course at an FOA-Approved school wil be able to take the exam as part of the course. Find an FOA-Approved school What Are the Benefits of FOA Certification ?
Like any certification program, the benefits to the members who pass the certification tests are based on the recognition of achieving a level of competence in the fiber optics field. For the end user looking for competent fiber optic personnel, it is the knowledge that this person has demonstrated knowledge and ability in the field and, perhaps even has documented experience. For the vendor of fiber optic products, it offers a technically- qualified pool of employees as well as contractors to recommend to end user customers who need to find installers for their networks. Many companies require FOA certifications or even offer FOA certifications to their personnel through internal training classes. What Training Is Required To Take The Exam? Most CFOTs obtain their certification by attending an FOA Approved school. If you already have documented experience in the industry, see FOA's Direct Certification Program The basic knowledge required may be gained from formal training classes, or from self-study using the FOA textbook or at Fiber U, FOA's free online training site.

For preparation, either to take a training course or using the direct Work To Cert program, you should take the Fiber U Basic Fiber Optics course that is preparation for the CFOT exam and get your Certificate of Completion.
For those just beginning in fiber optics or wanting a formal course of study, there are many FOA-approved schools that include the FOA CFOT in their programs. To see what is involved in the courses, see Detailed Curriculum Requirements For FOA-Approved Training Programs.

How Is the Certification exam administered?
For the CFOT certification, there is a certification exam. FOA-Approved Schools offer the CFOT exam at the end of their training classes or allow taking it afterwards.

Preparing For The CFOT Exam
If you are planning on taking the CFOT exam, you need to study the materials on which the exam is based. The CFOT exam is a written exam consisting of 100 multiple choice, matching and true false questions. You must answer at least 70 questions correctly to pass.

The exam is based on the FOA textbook, the FOA Reference Guide To Fiber Optics, or the FOA Online Reference Guide online, particularly the section Understanding Fiber Optics, the Basics, and the FOA Installation Tech Bulletin which should be used as references for any classes that aim toward FOA CFOT certification.

To simplify preparation, you should take the Fiber U Basic Fiber Optics course that is preparation for the CFOT exam and get your Certificate of Completion.

FOA Reference Guide To Fiber Optics

You can also read the FOA Reference Guide To Fiber Optics textbook and answer all the chapter questions.
Installation techniques, standards and codes are important and the CFOT exam will cover these topics. Take the FIber U Basic Skills Lab to prepare.