Affordable Housing 101

Row of houses on street corner in Raleigh

If you lined up every household in the Raleigh area in order from least to most income, the area median income (AMI) is the amount in the middle.

AMI is used to determine eligibility for affordable housing programs. These programs are targeted to households earning below 80% AMI, with some programs intended for lower AMI levels.

We can think of the affordable housing landscape as a continuum that shows the range of affordable housing options available to residents:

graphic showing housing continuum

The City's affordable housing programs focus primarily on the development of affordable rental units as well as support for homelessness initiatives and first-time homebuyers with low incomes.

Homelessness Support Initiatives

The City works alongside regional partners to address the pressing concern of homelessness. The City partners closely with Wake County, which is the primary funder of emergency shelter and prevention services, and actively participates in the Wake County Continuum of Care (CoC). The CoC is the collective networks, institutions, and organizations that provide housing and services to people who are at risk of or are experiencing homelessness.

The City leverages federal funding to support homelessness initiatives. These programs are outlined below (with homelessness-related services in bold).

ESG: Emergency Solutions Grant

CDBG: Community Development
Block Grant

HOME: HOME Investment

Funding from the City's Affordable Housing Bond and American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) dollars have also been used to support homelessness initiatives. Some examples include:

Affordable Rental Development

The construction of affordable rental housing requires capital, just like any other development. However, the rents must be affordable to families earning lower incomes. Affordable units are made accessible primarily through the Housing Choice Voucher Program and the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC).

The Housing Choice Voucher Program is the primary program serving households under 30% AMI. Vouchers are administered locally by Public Housing Authorities.